Your Divine Mission

August 25, 2021

Are you on a journey to discover your True Self? To uncover the aspects of who you are that understands, accepts and invites in the idea that you are an Infinite Being, with unlimited and divine potential.

Hidden beneath the layers of experiences that you hold within you, some that have served you and others that haven’t, you will find your True Self.

Your True Essence knows that you are more than your body, more than your thoughts, and more than the sum of your experiences.

It sees your light, your purpose, your passion, your gifts and your abilities.

It knows that you are infinite in your being, loving in your expression, and expansive in your awareness.

It believes in your wisdom, and your ability to seek your truth and follow your heart.

It understands that there is a divine orchestration to life… to your life. You can’t always see it. You can however, know and feel that there is reason, meaning and purpose to your life and your experiences.

It recognizes that you have a divine mission to become more of who you came here to be… and to then discover, uncover and unravel the layers that sit on top of your most loving, wise and expansive view for yourself and your life.

This is your mission in life. Does this resonate with you?

When you sit and tune into your True Nature, it feels light and free. It brings a softness into a world that can at times feel like it’s 'too much', out of control or a bit chaotic.

It ignites an inner awareness that reminds you that there is a divine timing and unfolding within your experiences (all of them!).

It brings a sense of relief and release that the divine is manifesting more within you and for you, and that your greatest opportunity is to always find the ways in which you can receive and allow even more of it.

So just for today… desire to be more and ask yourself "how can I be more of ME today".

Together let’s start an expansive journey towards the wholeness and centered-ness that resides within all us all. Together let’s breathe… relax… soften… and open our hearts to the beauty and the truth that resides within.

Because you are so much MORE than you know! We all are.