"Transformation happens when you allow the magic of the universe to inspire you towards the changes that are in alignment with your true authentic nature."


Many people talk about transforming their lives, however, they are often so busy looking only outside of themselves for their inspiration and guidance, that they miss a vital piece. In actuality, true transformation begins within you.

For true transformation to happen, it is important to connect into your own divine inner nature and activate the part of you that knows how to partner with the Universe to become your best self. When you are in tune with yourself, you are naturally more open and aware of the many unexpected and often magical ways that the Universe can support you. Inner guidance, synchronicities, loving or kind gestures from others, surprising encounters, and opportunities that exceed anything that you could have predicted or even attempted on your own, are simply a few ways that the Universe can show up for you.

When you are aware of the inspired signs around you, following them to create changes that can bring you greater joy, peace, hope, happiness and new experiences, can become a magical and transformative part of your life.

Now how do you tap into the idea of transformation when things feel stuck, blocked or just out of reach? Here are some ideas:

Find Things that Inspire or Uplift You
Listening to music or inspirational messages, being with nature, or doing something that you enjoy can shift inner resistance.
Reach Out
Call a friend, ask for a hug, play with children or pets, or just be with your loved ones and allow your heart to open.
Seek More Inner Connection
Try meditation, prayer, or talking with your Inner Wise Ones to re-align with your inner wisdom.
Breathe Deeply
Breathing deeply can move, shift and open things up. The more stuck you feel, likely the more shallow your breath is. So focus on taking deep and connected 'belly breathes' to feel more relaxed and maybe even open up to some new awarenesses or insights.
Move Your Body
Everything is connected, so moving your body can often shift your emotional state. Do some yoga, go for a walk or simply stretch.
Be Honest
Acknowledge what you are feeling, thinking and believing; they are your true roadmap towards finding whatever is blocking your movement forward.
Explore Possibilities
Whatever you are going through will often shift faster if you are willing to be open to the idea that there might be lessons, opportunities or wisdom within your experiences. So ask… and see what insights might show up.
Be Gentle with Yourself
Sometimes life is difficult, so breathe, relax (as much as you can) and remind yourself that all things can shift… and that whatever you are feeling is okay for now. No hiding, pretending, shaming or blaming.
Remember that Timing is Everything
Sometimes it’s just not the right time and there are still pieces that need to come into alignment before movement can happen.
Find a Mentor or Teacher
Your own issues are often too close for you to see clearly and a mentor, teacher or guide can often help you navigate through your experiences and create change.

My wish for you is that the magic within the Universe, can become your guide forward towards the transformation you desire.


Many Blessings,

Melody Rae Jones

This Inspiration was created with love from my heart to yours. Enjoy!
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